Call for papers – The question of emergencies between freedom and security
Summer School 2021
Linguaglossa, 30 August-4 September 2021
As part of the project Genealogie e rizomi mediterranei
(Mediterranean genealogies and rhizomes ) the first edition of the open Summer School is inaugurated to doctoral students, to students of three-year and specialist degree courses.
This year's Summer School focused on the question of emergencies between freedom and security aims to study the mechanisms with which the State and social
formations react (or have reacted) to emergency situations caused by wars, extraordinary situations of public disorder, acts of terrorism, economic crises, natural disasters or pandemics. The Summer School, in order to enhance the scientific research of young scholars, provides the possibility a for doctoral students to actively participate in the work by submitting their own contribution.
We therefore invite young researchers interested in intervening to present a paper concerning the discipline of emergencies, taking into account the multidisplicin vocation of the Summer School. Therefore, those papers related to the wide and varied theme of emergencies from a legal and historical legal, political, socio-demographic, statistical perspective, etc.
will be admitted.
How to participate:
Those interested in the selection must send an abstract in Italian by 30 June o in English (max 3000 characters)
accompanied by a CV by filling out the form below​.
The results of the selection will be announced by July 15, 2021. The winners of the selection must pay a participation fee which includes accommodation costs at the Collegio San Tommaso di Linguaglossa.
The registration fee is 100 euros. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the agreement with the College for housing, can pay, at the same time as enrollment, an additional 100 euros with the same bank transfer made out to: Associazione Cultura Aetnae Aps (CF: 92032940873, Iban: IT98Q0521683990000003152005) attaching a scan of the bank transfer receipt for the inscription:
Associazione Cultura Aetnae Aps (CF: 92032940873, Iban: IT98Q0521683990000003152005).
The final papers, following a peer-review process, will be published in a volume that will collect the contributions of all the speakers who participated in the work of the Summer School.