The discipline of emergencies, from a historical-juridical point of view, is of extraordinary interest since it requires not only a downturn around the categories of “state of emergency ” “status of exception ”, but also around the theme of the relativity of rights, from a political point of view. From the socio-demographic profile, emergencies require a necessary recognition, in qualitative and quantitative terms, of the human and material resources specific to the territories and their projects in transition.The Summer School also intends to offer specialized training in the areas of public policies and knowledge aimed at the requalification of the public administration for the transformation and enhancement of the territory in a European dimension. Participated lectures and specialized workshops are foreseen.
The registration fee is 100 euros. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the agreement with the College for housing, can pay, at the same time as enrollment, an additional 100 euros with the same bank transfer made out to: Associazione Cultura Aetnae Aps (CF: 92032940873, Iban: IT98Q0521683990000003152005) attaching a scan of the bank transfer receipt for the inscription.
Membership request